Chapter 10 - A New Age
Soon after the rise of the newly formed Galactic Empire of HOVA, a leader was appointed. Simply called King Hova, it was proclaimed that he was the reincarnation of the long lost blue King and was the rightful King of the Universe. To prove his claims, King Hova allowed his body to be cast into a super-massive black hole.
Upon breaching the singularity a supernova erupted and then collapsed in on itself leaving only the King left floating in the aftershock. He stood unharmed and returned to his people as one true King.
Since the arrival of the fabled fourth race and the rise of King Hova, the once dormant Atlas has grown active, replicating itself throughout the universe. It's purpose is unclear but the Hov declare the light of the red prism to be false and a threat to all sentient lifeforms.